DC Inline Watt Meter and Power Analyzer Anderson Powerpole Ends
Measuring capacity up to 60 V and 130 A. Bright blue backlit LCD display. Measures 8 electrical parameters: Amps, Volts, Watts, Amp-hours, Watt-hours, Peak Amps, Minimum Volts (Sag), Peak Watts. Auto reset feature. No configuration, works automatically!
Both a power source and load must be connected in order for the meter to output the measurements on the display.
- Voltage: 0 ~ 60V, 0.01 V resolution (5 to 60V without optional auxiliary power connector)
- Amps: 1 ~ 130A, 0.01 A resolution (50A continuous, 130A peak)
- Watts: 0 ~ 7800W, 0.1 W resolution
- Amp-hours: 0 ~ 65Ah, 0.001 Ah resolution
- Watt-hours: 0 ~ 6554Wh, 0.1 Wh resolution
- Display: High-contrast blue backlit LCD display
- Size: 3.3 x 1.7 x 1.0" (85 x 42 x 24mm)
- Weight: 0.18 lbs. (82 g)
- Warranty: 1 Year Limited Warranty
DC Inline Watt Meter and Power Analyzer Anderson Powerpole Ends
- Brand: Powerwerx
- Warehouse: Rigby, ID
- Mfg Part #: WATTMETER-PP
- Our Part #: WATTMETER-PP
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Tags: anderson, powerpole, wattmeter-pp, powerwerx
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