Universal Electronics Coax Seal Tape # 104 - 5 Feet Length
- Coax-Seal tape (1/2" x 5ft) part #104. Insures good SWR and long coax life.
- Coax-Seal is the only material that will adhere to vinyl and poly vinyl connector outer covers.
- Coax-Seal is non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-conducting, and has hundreds of uses in electronics.
Reviews Over Universal Electronics Coax Seal Tape # 104 - 5 Feet Length
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Universal Electronics Coax Seal Tape # 104 - 5 Feet Length
- Brand: Universal Electronics
- Warehouse: Rigby, ID
- UPC: 857142000043
- Mfg Part #: CS104
- Our Part #: CS104
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Tags: cable, management, cs104, 857142000043, universal, electronics
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